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Petr Štěpánek: petrstepane@seznam.cz

About us

Petr Štěpánek

Tennis Pro Coach Petr Štěpánek

Sports Beginnings

As a child, I fell in love not only with ball games but also with sports like skiing. Practically every day, I was involved in sports – football, dodgeball, and other ball games were a regular part of my life. My biggest childhood success came in volleyball, where I was a member of one of Prague’s top clubs, VŠ Praha. With my team, we became Prague champions, and I was elected team captain.

Tennis Player

At the age of 13, I switched to tennis and immediately fell in love with the game, whether it was singles or doubles. After five years of intensive training and being a member of a Prague tennis club, I became the club champion in the adult category for three consecutive years.

Tennis Coach

At 26, I started my career as a tennis coach, which I continue to pursue to this day. I provide lessons in both Czech and English, and I consider the satisfaction of my clients my greatest success.

Upcoming Goals

My current challenge is to create a professional combination of tennis training structured as high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This concept aims to help people who have predominantly sedentary jobs and are exposed to high levels of stress. I believe that working on physical fitness can be not only effective but also enjoyable.


Střelecký ostrov 336, Praha 1
Sport Klub Start Praha
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Call us on +420 774 613 444